Jay's Elves Calling for Volunteers and Donations

Description: **Jay's Christmas Dinner** Knights of Columbus Hall - 118 Steen Avenue in La Junta on Wednesday 12.25.2024 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Monetary Donations can be mailed to PO Box 385, La Junta, CO 81050. Call the Chief Elf at 719.384.9224 for more information.

Jay's Elves Calling for Volunteers and Donations
A mix of “Elves” Are a little concerned about the number of regulars who run the Annual Christmas Dinner, but were cheerful to include that they have room for a few more new volunteer “Elves."
We are calling out to the warm-hearted folks of this community to join our amazing team. We have been putting on the Annual Jay’s Community Christmas Dinner purely run by our very own community volunteers since 1986. We are looking forward to adding you to help this year. The only requirements include: a love for humanity, a desire to make a difference, and above all a hearty Christmas Spirit.
We are in need of kitchen help, serving line, greeters, and of course clean-up. We are always in need of desserts.
Momentary donations can be sent to: Jay’s Community Christmas Dinner P.O. Box 385 La Junta, Colorado 81050
Anyone interested in being a part of our entertainment, whether it is singing, playing an instrument or whatever please contact Leon Davis at 719-468-1764.
All the trimmings turkey dinner plus non-stop entertainment will be offered FREE to anyone and everyone who comes through the doors of the La Junta Knights of Columbus Hall 118 Steen Ave between 11:00 and 2:00 on Christmas day.
For any wanting to help or for questions call Elf Central at 719-384-9224. Leave a message if no answer. For all delivery questions a different number will be out closer to Christmas...
La Junta Knights of Columbus Hall is Located at 118 Steen Ave. La Junta, CO 81050
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