Help Wanted: 16th Judicial District Probation Officer

Description: The 16th Judicial District Probation Department, Serving Otero, Bent and Crowley counties, is Now Hiring for Multiple Positions...

Help Wanted: 16th Judicial District Probation Officer
16th Judicial District Probation Department Serving Otero, Bent and Crowley Counties is Now hiring for Probation Officer – fulltime and part-time positions available.
Open positions:
Probation Officer (Part Time, .5 FTE) – This position may be combined with the .5 Probation Support Specialist position to create a full time opportunity. Candidates interested in the combination positions must apply for both positions. Job description, salary and application can be found on the Colorado Court’s website by following this link: Probation Officer (Part Time, .5 FTE)
Probation Support Specialist (Part Time, .5 FTE) – This position may be combined with the .5 Probation Officer position to create a full time opportunity. Candidates interested in the combination positions must apply for both positions. Job description, salary and application can be found on the Colorado Court’s website by following this link: Probation Support Specialist (Part time, .5 FTE)
Probation Support Specialist (Full Time, 1.0 FTE) – Job description, salary and application can be found on the Colorado Court’s website by following this link: Probation Support Specialist (Full time 1.0 FTE)
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